I have a locally made acoustic guitar, the brand is TOYO, sound Japanese but it is actually made in Indonesia, although the sound is so so, it is faithfully with me for 25 years.
At that time, I just want to buy a Yamaha Classical Guitar, as I take courses in classical guitar. Some advantages of Yamaha Classical Guitar is it sound better, secondly the distance between strings is rather wide, perfect for fingerstyle. My TOYO guitar is almost closed to these requirements, except TOYO price is around US$ 3 vs Yamaha around US$ 30 ( in 1980s ).
Although recently I have sufficient funds, I am not interested buying an Acoustic Guitar, my desire is to buy an Electric Guitar, is a result of the music that I like, the Jazz.
Survey leads to two types of guitars, first is Yamaha Silent Guitar, price around US$ 370. I tried, and indeed very good. Wide fret like Yamaha Classical Acoustic Guitar, nylon strings, and there is an echo sound processor, also a unique shape, could be detached and put in its bag.
The second Guitar category is a hollow body or some call an archtop guitar. This kind of guitar is widely use by Jazz or Blues musicians. The choice fell to Ibanez Artcore AG-75BS. Price about US$ 270.

Finally, I drop this option to Ibanez Artcore AG-75BS, I fell in love with the body appearance, for this guitar, the body is thinner then the other series. Low action strings, distance between strings is smaller than Yamaha Classical Guitar but it is acceptable for fingerstyle, and the most important the tone is realy OK.
For reference see Ibanez GB-10 George Benson series, it is cost about US$ 3000 !!. Design is very similar to AG-75BS, and by reference, the form was designed according to George Benson wishes, the AG-75BS is the economic version. Nevertheless, the quality of workmanship is very special, the connection logs and immaculate finish, and it looks luxury.

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